Monday, September 30, 2013

Children’s right to Education

Education is an important part of every person’s life, and to have a chance a good future, one must start going to school at an early age, when the child is enthusiastic and excited to go to school. One important duty of parents is to send their children to school and encourage them to study.

Nowadays, education is viewed as a privilege, which is wrong since education from Elementary school until High School is free in most cities and there are a lot of state universities to offer affordable quality education for the less privileged. We aim to change the perception of some parents regarding education as a waste of time and money. 


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Monday, September 23, 2013

The ABA KADA BATA Advocacy believes that...

Education is not a privilege. It  is a right of every child. 

A growing child needs education, not that the family does not serve as a training ground and fountain of knowledge for a child, but because proper education is the key to a child's proper development. This is where they discover their own unique skills and talents, and nurture those that they already posses.  

It is also in school that a child develops social skills through interacting with their classmates and teachers and being taught proper conduct.

Do not hinder your child's development, send them to school! 

Aba Kada Bata! Posters

Draft Posters for the Aba Kada Bata campaign launch!
Which do you think is most informative and appealing? Plus your suggestions, we would like to hear from everyone so that we can improve our materials and make this campaign effective and successful.

Welcome to ABA KADA BATA!

Karapatang mag aral.
You believe the children are our future? We do too! And in order to turn this somewhat cliche quote into reality, CHILDREN WILL NEED EDUCATION. 

We are especially addressing the parents in this advocacy. WE NEED YOUR HELP. 

Children need education so that they may grow aware of their surroundings and armed with knowledge and skills that are mostly developed when they enter school.  

In our next posts we will be tackling more about this advocacy. Feel free to comment on our posts and share your thoughts with us and other people.

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